
Women's Council Programs - 1983 to present


Creating a Bi-Partisan Women's Council​

Governor Earl Signing Exec Order 5.jpg

Today's Wisconsin Women's Council was established by Governor Tony Earl through Executive Order 5, issued February 1, 1983 (pictured above), later codified in statute in 1983 Wisconsin Act 27.  It was preceded by the non-statutory Wisconsin Governor's Commission on the Status of Women, chaired by Katherine (Kay) Clarenbach, created by Governor John Reynolds in 1964 and abolished in 1979.

Historical Documents

A Compilation of Archival Women's Council Documents Including a copy of Governor Earl's Executive Order, "Wisconsin Women's Council - A Brief History: 1983-1997" report; and selected press clippings and program materials (103 pages).  

Gov Earl Remarks on Signing Executive Creating the Womens Council

Wisconsin Governor's Commission on the Status of Women, primarily press clippings, beginning with the Wisconsin Conference on Professional Women (1962), records calling for the first Governor's Conference, announcements on establishing the Commission (1964) and additional topics through June 1968 (245 pages).