Elected Office


Women in Elected Office in Wisconsin​​

State & Local Government

Most Recent Statistics

Legiislature Tribal 2021 rsz.jpgWomen in WI Judiciary 2021_rsz.jpg​​


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Research Agenda

The Women's Council has been tracking the number of women in Wisconsin's state and local elected offices since 2005.  The Council publishes statewide studies, factsheets and other research products which can be found on the Publications page. We also partner with organizations such as the League of Wisconsin Municipalities and the Wisconsin Counties Association to educate and extend our research opportunities. The Women's Council is a leader nationally in tracking and reporting on the status of and trends in women serving in local elected office and has inspired similar projects in other states. 

Learn about the History of Women in Elected Office in Wisconsin

Timeline of Wisconsin Women's Political Firsts in State Government

click image for printable pdf
